Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tiffany 18k Gold Crown

Tiffany 18k Gold Crab

Max, The King

I've never read . I mean the short book. But when I first saw the trailer of the movie, I was very much touched. I went and watched the movie yesterday. As I expected, everything was childly, in a way that I don't quite get. The music, acting, scene, and everything was original has some kind of cult while romantic, simple while complex tone to it. I didn't quite understand the movie and I felt stupid to not be able to understand a movie based on a children book. I then realized that maybe I was too old for the movie. Sometimes we really should be satisfied with just understanding vaguely, because the truth is not always what we wanna hear.

Anyway, the thing about a shop-a-holic is that they can turn any life inspiration into shopping incentives. When I first saw the Tiffany Crown, I knew I have to have it, like Max has one in the movie. We don't understand the movie anymore. But at least, we can have some grown-up fun. R. I. P. The simple while complex childhood.

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