Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I LOVE A.P.C! It is the only brand that I've been so loyal for years. The truly French minimalist and creative director JEAN TOUITOU is a maverick that made A.P.C favored by the most young YAPIS. (It may not be the right word). Anyway, the good thing about A.P.C is the always reasonably placed price range. Unlike most snobbish french brand names, A.P.C has been moderate on setting the price and that's why I always think A.P.C is the perfect choice for buying day-to-day clothing, though I always end up spend a lot more than I planned on A.P.C. The A.P.C boutique at Mercer, NYC is a must-go place for me every time I visit SOHO. Sleek design, excellent quality, and considerate price, what more can we expect? I did have some experience in buying clothing with unbearable quality. Brand names like Marc Jacob even have pieces that is made of suspicious material that makes you itchy and uncomfortable. With A.P.C, it has always been the soft cotton, buttery leather, and exquisite cashmere. But I do feel that some of the material they use for overcoats recently are not as satisfying as it used to be. Hopefully it will get better.

JEAN TOUTITOU doesn't really hate rock n roll. He's actually a big fan. What he resent so much is what we call rock n roll today which is so pretend and gaudy. To state his opinions on the waning of real rock n roll, A.P.C has collaborated with four bands that are more into playing than posing. The names of the four bands are printed on each t-shirt.

The t-Shirt is retailed for $40 each! YEAH!

You can preorder these t-shirts at apc.fr online shopping site.
(Images from apc.fr)

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